Online Baby and Toddler Classes in Milton Keynes

As a newborn and a baby photographer I meet so many mums with newborns and toddlers and at the moment in this crazy time I can really feel for them. They can’t go to any baby, toddler or any other support groups at the moment that I personally found so useful. I would say that these groups are as beneficial for the mums as they are for the babies. They can socialise with other mums, make new mummy friends, share problems and experiences. When I became a first time mum, I went to many groups, but it wasn’t because I thought that my baby needed to socialise, it was for me. I needed to get out of the house and talk to people that were in the same boat as me. This has unfortunately been taken away from the new mummies. As I always look at the positive side, we are so lucky to live in this amazing world of technology and so even though It’s obviously not the same as in person contact, technology has given us the ability to not completely miss out on socialising, so we just have to make the most out of it. A lot of baby and toddler groups are doing their best to offer online classes, either for a small fee or for free. I am a big supporter of local businesses so this blog is only for classes that are in Milton Keynes and surrounding areas. What is really good about all of these is that they all offer classes in various locations of Milton Keynes so you can do them online now and when everything goes back to normal, you can go to your favourite class in person and your baby will already be familiar with it :-) x

Free Online Classes

BabyLove Milton Keynes

BabyLove By Lorraine provides Pregnancy Yoga, Baby Massage and Baby Yoga classes in Milton Keynes

Free videos on their youtube channel.


Toddler Time

Fun lively interactive music show.

Annette normally  runs weekly classes in Milton Keynes.

Live online classes are for free on Mondays and Fridays on her youtube channel.


Socatots Milton Keynes & Buckingham

Fun preschool football programme

Free online classes on their youtube channel.


Ragdolly Annas Milton Keynes

Ragdolly Annas provide quality music and rhyme sessions aimed at children from newborn up to five years, with specially designed sessions for babies. Sessions are held in various venues across Milton Keynes, all year round!

Free online classes on their youtube channel.


Char Char Chimps MK & Beds

Entertainment Show provides stimulating, confidence building interactive musical fun and other surprises for accompanied pre-school children and babies. Shows actively encourage sharing, co-ordination and socialising among infants. It's a great way to form new adult friendships too.

Free live classes on their Facebook page.


Music bugs Milton Keynes

Music Bugs run fun, interactive and lively music and singing classes for children from new born to 4 years old. Each class is 40 minutes long and during which there is lots of fun with nursery rhymes, counting songs, knee bouncers and action songs.


Children Inspired Yoga Tatty Bumpkin

Multi sensory movement and music adventure classes which are inspired by yoga for children aged 0-11 years.

FREE online session to children ages 2-7years: Tuesday at 10am
All other sessions have a nominal class fee.


Paid Online Classes


Pregnancy yoga and Mum & Baby yoga classes In Milton Keynes. Various online classes.

To book email Naomi


Baby Sensory

Baby sensory offers development in a fun, relaxed and stimulating environment. Activities, themes and songs vary each week and include puppet shows, music, baby signing, water play, light shows, movement and bonding

Online classes available, for more information email Sophie at


Tiny Talk

Fun and interactive baby signing and toddler talking classes .

Online classes running on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.


Baby Sling Fit

Post-natal exercise classes for mums, to exercise with their with babies in a baby sling. Classes start from 6 weeks after natural birth and 10 weeks after c-section.

Online classes available on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. To Book your class message their Facebook page or email


Baby College at Home

Mix of physical activities, cognitive games and multi sensory exercises. Fun classes are informative for you and your child and incorporate singing, dancing, signing and much more.

Daily live sessions available to book here:


Daisy Foundation

Birthing Classes, Baby Tinies, Baby Wrigglers, Baby Cruisers.

Online classes are on Tuesdays and Thursdays and are being delivered via zoom.


Toddler Sense Milton Keynes

Multi-sensory adventures for busy people from 13 months to 5 years.

Each week introduces a new theme. Online classes are delivered via zoom. book here:


Mini Professors

Fun science classes for children. Classes provide a warm and welcoming environment in which children can not only explore and marvel at science but we also encourage many life skills, such as asking and answering questions, turn taking, sharing and socialising

Weekly online classes more info at


Other classes and support

Expecting & New Mums MK Coping with Social Distancing

This is a temporary Facebook group that I have set up especially for pregnant and new mums to find support and friendship during self isolation.

Here is a link if you wanted to join

Breastfeeding Hub

The Breastfeeding Hub's mission is to offer a complete breastfeeding support package. Covering the needs of any mother no matter her income or requirements who wishes to follow her breastfeeding journey to her best ability, to enable her and her child to have the best health outcomes.

Breastfeeding Hub offers live feeding videos and support during the lockdown.


Milton Keynes branch of the NCT; a nation wide charity offering support and friendship to new parents.

Live chats about feeding etc.